sweet! can i use her in an animation? i wanna plug her in by her usb hoodie!!! XD
sweet! can i use her in an animation? i wanna plug her in by her usb hoodie!!! XD
leave it too video games to stretch ur mind...
YEAAAHHH!!!!! mabe this will remind me to look for pokeporn of EVERY SINGLE POKEMON... this will be hard an gruling... manny man-hours to put into making folders buy POKEMON NATIONAL DEX NUMBER!!!
what? lol
TheShadman also uses painttool sai and photoshop. nice stuff!
They are very commonly used programs for digital illustration.
sweet bra!
could have put blood on him, but the knife looks good and tis a gud joke!
lol give here a penis, all will work out then!
DANG IT!!! im going to collage to be a graphic artest and in my second year, and i havent even thoght about making somthing as good as this... how about you? where did you learn, and did you use photoshop or paint tool sai?
and where do i begin to create "art"? i know the tricks of photoshop, but where do i learn the style? lol anybody who knows what im talking about, please send me a message with your insite, and were you would, are, will, learn the "artistic skills". thanks!
to awnser your first question i use mainly paint tool sai for drawing and i do use photoshop for some effects and stuff.
and as for started to create art i recommend learning to draw on paper then scan it to color it to make things quicker
i dont understand, but yes, the jaw is strange...
Time to play old tower defence games on crazygames dot com
Age 32, Male
Joined on 3/27/09