They look like they are having lots of fun.
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They look like they are having lots of fun.
Yea pretty cute. Make a faster one. Mmm yea
Yea so much mm yea its so big oh ahh mmf oh mmmmm
Violet and labin
Works on my smartphone with s pen
Hard to control sometimes. But im not gunna fault ya on that. I didn't even do the tortorial yet. Great music 🎶 🎵 hard game. I played with my stylus on my old note 20 music in game playing on my tv using smart view on my basement tv. I wish gaming was better in this day and age but it's not. And we all thought it was the problem of the game makers. It is. But also, the amazing power of preserving old games. But the catch is it's only really legal if you own the original game. And funny thing is i remember on nintendos website, you register your games!!! So they have all the necessary tools to let you login and download games you already proved you own!!!
But they'll never let you play your own games on new systems. They are too money hungry. Not not here to help you, they are only here to make money. And they do have a buisness t o run, but i would be more inclined to with a company that respects me. This is the new age of gaming. It is way worse for old school game buisness and way better for the free online gamer i have always been.
The funniest part is im not a gamer anymore to them. I can't think of 1 good game to come out in the last decade.
Sins of a solar empire rebellion 2013. Fantasy life 3ds probobly 2012. Nintendo land wiiu probly 2013. Need for speed wiiu 2013. Steel diver. All the free apps on wii and wiiu. All defunct now. Well i can still make puzzles from images i upload to my wii. Hahaha. It's actually fun. And slide shows. But my smartphone can do all that now for free. The wii mote is just so much better than a stupid phone. Idk why they never have a huge accessory display for smartphone gamers at the samsung at&t stores. They could have made a killing. Screw them. Nobody cares about gamers. That's why we stopped buying games. I accidentally kept buying pokemon games a decade ago. They all suck. I only like gen 4. One of the greatest parts of pokemon was the competition value. You can get the most of that from your real life friends. Im just here to rant.
Nostalgia is kin da bad but i know it was so much better back in 2002-2009. Everything everybody loves came out back then. The amount of entertainment technology and its grip on us was so amazing. So horrible. Now its illigal to advertise to children and for the rest of eternity children will never know what to ask for Christmas or thair birthday, so for the rest of time, gaming and entertainment will spiral downward to oblivion. Oblivion is a great movie. And day after tomorrow. I just went to the movie theater and there were like 5 people there. Fall guy. With Emily blunt. And i saw the barby movie too like last year. Both were very good. Surprisingly!
It was still playing over another newgrounds video and made it better. Good job. Lol
Finally a good song! Newgrounds still has good stuff! Oh wait this was made in 2013!! Hahahahaaaa
Punk music never disappoints
I kinda wish i was British now...❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
This is probably the MOST sensitive and inoffensive thing I've seen on this platform.
Beautiful. Time to find mour on twitterx
Time to play old tower defence games on crazygames dot com
Age 32, Male
Joined on 3/27/09